Friday, May 8, 2015

Types of Computer Virus

Types of computer virus
Did you have face a problem with computer virus? I’m sure you are. Here I had search some article regarding types of computer virus that usual appear when we use a computer. Have a nice reading and please share this knowledge with your colleagues.

Trojans, as in 'Trojan Horse', are a type of computer virus which can be installed on your computer without you realising. Trojans can install a ‘keystroke logger’, which records all the keys you press on your computer keyboard. Some try to capture passwords entered at certain web sites by capturing keystrokes or taking a picture of the screen. This information is then sent to the fraudsters.
Trojans are malicious programs which look innocent, fool you into accepting them, and then more or less take over your computer. You can go on using your PC or laptop while a criminal is also using it, remotely, for illegal purposes. Criminals have also designed programs called ‘rootkits’, which hide the fact that your computer has been compromised, so your antivirus software never spots the Trojan infection.

These viruses are designed to cripple computer systems and networks. Once they’re out there, they don’t need to be sent – they’ll scan the internet themselves to find computers running specific programs that they can infect.
When it finds an IP address running the specific software, the worm attempts to infect the machine. Worms can be designed to infiltrate and damage corporate networks, spreading through network connections and corporate email systems.Worms can open ‘backdoors’ and give access to personal files and information, just as Trojans do, as well as damaging systems.

Email viruses
Email viruses can cause the same sort of damage as Trojans and worms. They use your email system to send themselves to every address they can find. So your friends or colleagues may receive an email from you with an attachment. When opened, the virus installs and, as well as causing malicious damage and exploiting security flaws, it will attempt to spread again using your friend’s email addresses. 

Botnets, also known as zombie armies, are groups of computers on the internet, under the control of criminals. Each computer in the botnet has been infected by malicious software, but usually the owners have no idea, since the criminals control the computers remotely. Once your computer’s been compromised, it’s known as a bot (a software robot) or a zombie, and the criminal controlling it is a bot herder.Bot herders use botnets to carry out all kinds of criminal activities - to send email spam, to distribute malicious software (malware), to commit fraud and, of course, to infect more computers and make more botnets.

Between 50% and 80% of all spam is sent by zombie computers. This allows spammers to avoid detection and of course the owners of zombies pay for their internet connections too. This spam also furthers the spread of Trojan horses, malicious programs which allow criminals to take control of a computer.
Examples of botnets
Types of botnets include:
  1. Denial of service attacks - Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks flood a website with thousands of simultaneous requests until the site crashes. Sometimes this might be done purely to cause mischief, but criminals also threaten companies with DoS attacks to extort payment from them.
  2. Key logger - Some malware programs also install a key logger, which intercepts your keystrokes when you type a password, credit card number, or other personal information. This information is transmitted     to the criminal automatically and used for credit card fraud and other theft.
  3. Banking Trojans - Banking Trojans infect your web browser and ‘piggy-back’ when you log in to your bank. They can then make or modify transactions that are invisible to both you and your bank.
 Source from :

Facebook & Me...

Urgghhhhh…trending nowadays..not just trending but a must have item on everyone, from younger generations to old citizens. Let me talk about Facebook through my lense of view. I’ve started my account of Facebook in the year 2009. My wife came up the idea of having one account of mine because I’ve lost track with my old friends and colleagues after series of exchanging hand phones and numbers. At that time, officemate is the only friends that have listed in my phonebook numbers. She set up my account, loading my few pictures and of course the status whether I am single, in a relationship, married or whatsoever..(Of course you’ll know whatever status that she registered for me right!)..Then, kick off from that day facebook is the medium that I use to stay connected with my old buddies during primary to secondary school, plus my classmate during my diploma at UITM. That is how I use my Facebook. I rarely put up my status because I don’t have anything to share. I usually fill up my leisure time by scrolling my facebook to read and do some liking at the “like” icons. That’ is it. That is me and Facebook.

Nowadays, while doing my degree and master in Management and Information system, I come to realize that face book is no longer a medium of staying close with old friends but it is a medium of making money. In term of business, Facebook was the cheapest way to advertise your product and services.  We learned before that to advertise your product, flyers, radios, TV’s, billboards, newspapers are the tools that people used. Some injections of capital are needed to start of your business by using all those tools. If you’re not injecting some money, then the business is nowhere to go because people do not have any information about the product and services offered by you.

Then, the world is changing dramatically.. Facebook is fully utilized by more and more people especially by the part timers in business and marketing people. It’s the tool that is very popular because facebookers can see your products within seconds when they see the advertisement in Facebook. Handy, cheaper and easy, right? People do not have to put some capital and investment anymore. Click pictures of products,arrange it nicely, put some information or contact numbers, download that in your status..tadaaaa..Your business is kicking off in its own way. Even nowadays, thousands of housewives are  getting more money by doing some extra efforts in popularizing their products in Facebook. By just clicking and responding as soon possible from possible customers, then the money is transferred into your account. That’s how Facebook play its role in helping the business and information spreading in a second matter of time. 

Thank you to Mark Zukernberg. You’re the world‘s genius in helping small capital business people!!.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Security Issues Relating To Internet Banking

Nowadays, the financial institution in Malaysia had widely introduced their online banking facilities. Among of them are Maybank2U, CIMB Click, I-Rakyat, Agronet and many others. It’s quick, it’s convenient, and it’s accessible. No wonder Internet banking is popular. Unfortunately, security is an issue. Not only do criminals target banking websites, but they target bank customers as well. Not just the cash, but your personal information is at risk. Given the personal details you share with your bank -- your Social Security number, for instance -- the risk of identity theft looms large. Information, vigilance and preventive action can help protect you when you bank online.

Cyber-Criminals vs. Banks
No security shield will ever exist to stop cyber-criminals once and for all. Even as banks lock out bad guys, the bad guys eventually find new ways in. Customers can help banks protect their accounts by being security-conscious themselves. Otherwise, it’s as if customers were leaving their doors unlocked in a crime-ridden neighborhood. First, check your account balance often and make sure every transaction in your record is one you authorized. You need to report unauthorized activity to your bank immediately. Take comfort in knowing that if a cyber attack raids your bank, the bank must replace any money you lose. However, monitor your account regularly for mysterious debits because if it's just your account that's hit, the bank can set time limits on replacing lost funds. You might even have to pay a kind of deductible before all of your funds are replaced, depending on how soon you report the mystery debits. For example, a bank might say you must pay the first $50 of the total amount stolen if you don't report the crime within three days of it occurring.

Sketchy Online Banks
Just because a polished website proclaims itself to be an online bank doesn’t mean that it is or that it’s operating by the same rules as the institution down the street. First, double-check the URL. Some fraudulent sites, intent on trickery, use names or website addresses only slightly different from a legitimate bank. Those who don’t notice input their passwords to log in, unwittingly supplying the password to crooks. Check the site for the FDIC logo or notice. Even better, go to the government's BankFind website, which lists insured banks.

Phishing for Treasure
Criminals fishing, or "phishing" in hacker-speak, for bank information may pose as your bank or another official authority in an email. The email entices you to click on a link. If you bite, you’re transported to a counterfeit bank website. Logging in as demanded, you unwittingly give thieves the key to your account, which they can now access at will. The prevention: No matter how convincing, don’t visit your bank through email links and remember that banks don’t ask for log-in information by phone or email.

Precautionary Measures
Never forget that security breaches often require your cooperation to succeed. You don’t have to follow that link or bow to pressure to share your PIN, for instance. Make breaking into your bank account harder by using a long, randomly generated, secret password. You should use different passwords for each online account, but especially make sure your bank password is unique. That way, if a hacker gains access to another online login, it won’t open the door to your money. Keep informed about the latest scams criminals are using to target your money. To protect yourself, you must keep tabs on the thugs.

Sources: Sophie Johnson, Demand Media -

Friday, April 24, 2015

About Management Information System (MIS)...have fun

Management Information System (MIS), this is our second subject for this semester. During my diploma I had taken this subject twice, maybe I’m not so IT literacy but I hope everything will going smoothly this time. When the times is coming, I’m quite surprise, WHY? It’s really different approach of teaching by our beloved Prof Dr Zaidi. Before I go further, below are some of the assignments that we need to complete before end of this subject:
  1. 2 to 3 person are divided into a group we need to present a chapter in MIS.
  2. Individual assignment – To discuss one system that we use in our organization.
  3. To create a blog with minimum 5 posting and with a link to Prof Zaidi blog.
  4. Most important – no group assignment.
Let’s continue about MIS, for a student with lack of knowledge in IT, the way Prof Dr Zaidi conduct this class is really help me in understanding MIS better than before. Prof Dr Zaidi had use real life situation cases or can also be called as applied study (I think so) in describing this subject. He really makes my life easier and motivates me in enhancing my knowledge in MIS.

26 April 2015 is our midterm test but I really don’t know what to study. Hopefully the questions are not as difficult as mention by Prof Dr Zaidi that he will use our day to day or current situation cases in the question. However, I had read the slide given by Prof Dr Zaidi and some reading in current Information System issues to prepare myself for the midterm. Hopefully I can do my best in answering all the question. Till meet again in another posting….Sayonara..

Saturday, April 18, 2015

the journey of mine.

First and foremost, I would like to thank anyone who read this. The journey to define n to tell a story about me and myself.  As mentioned above, its me who knows myself better and I like to share the story of mine as precise as I could.

I was named as Rizal bin Ibrahim by my beloved parent. I was born on 29th September 1979 at Malacca, my hometown.  I would personally describe myself in 3 words which are simple, quite but adjustable. I do think everyone around me will describe me as that also. Right at this moment, I am 34 years old where I am still excited to achieve my dreams and hopes regardless of anything or obstacles that would occur in the future.  I am married with three kids and my wife is a teacher at primary school. Marriage and works educate me to be excellent people who carries the responsibility to guide the family and the staffs. It teach me to be highly self esteem and be confident in making decision.
The most unbelievable journey that I've been through was the journey of completing my degree programme and now in my third semester in Master Programme!! It is such an honor to myself. I can't imagine myself being able to cope up with the responsibility of completing almost all tasks during my master programme.I believe in myself. that's the spirit that i carry throughout this remarkable journey. May Allah ease every hardship,every trials that comes and everything that may come ahead. Wish me luck!!

Let me tell about my work. I am the Head of Consumer Business of Business Center , Melaka and Johor.  I have to regulate hundreds of staffs in both Malacca and Johor. I have to supervise and to monitor the growth of potential consumers and business in order to meet the expecting target set by the Agrobank.  Agrobank as we all know, is moving from a conventional bank migrated to e-banking nowadays  which will be easily reachable by the consumers in the area of agricultural.

Its not an easy step to be where I am right at this moment. Many obstacle and difficulties have had occurred during my 9 years of giving my unquestionable  service to Agrobank. At the age 0f 24, I am just as assistant Executive. As a freshies, hard works and learning has to be done at the same time. I put all the efforts and the tendency  to meet the expected quality set by my leaders at that time. I have been crowned the APC( Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) in the year 2007. After years of dedicated efforts and struggles, in the year 2012, i was able to have another step in my career where I was appointed as a Branch Manager. This appointment boost up my morale and my intensity to work harder, it feels  like I am being honored and respected for all the efforts that  I ‘ve made to the bank. Alhamdulillah is the best word and again I was appointed as the Head of consumer Business only after  year being a Branch Manager.  There a series of obstacles and difficulties, especially when it comes to the matter of changing, migrating and preparing the utmost quality for customers. I hope that I may have the entire mind and the ability to works successfully within a unique environment that bankers face nowadays.

As for more, my learning process will not ends here. I wish I could be effective and easily reachable by all people around me. Wish me luck.